
3 Tips for Bringing Clarity and Boosting Morale Through Communication

Communication, especially in these times of remote work and elevated stress, can do a great deal to help achieve success and engagement across teams. If not done properly, the results are contrary – confusion, apathy and a barrier to any success being strived for.


Two Good and Two Bad Roles for an Executive

One might be surprised to find a correlation between aviation and leadership. There is a considerable link, as the relationship with a pilot and passengers strikes unmistakable association when put alongside of the relationship between that of a leader that is guiding others in business.  


Profilurile Comunicationale si Stresul (capitol audiobook)

Oamenii sunt diferiti. Si ne referim aici nu la diferente de varsta, inaltime sau culoare a ochilor ci la diferente de comportament.


Dark Cockpit Podcast

Podcastul Dark Cockpit reprezinta o serie de cateva episoade in care Emil Dobrovolschi si Octavian Pantis prezinta intamplari si principii din aviatie de pe urma carora se pot extrage lectii valoroase pentru fiecare dintre noi. Toate episoadele pot fi gasite pe canalul de YouTube Dark Cockpit.


Qualians Tip of the Week


Noua colectie Qualians Tip of the Week vine in ajutorul tau cu sfaturi valide si aplicabile pentru multiple situatii din viata ta profesionala. Investeste cateva minute pentru a afla o idee noua sau pentru a-ti confirma ca faci bine lucrurile importante. Toate episoadele pot fi gasite pe canalul de YouTube Qualians.

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