The context in which today's leaders are expected to produce results has changed a lot in the last few years. And they need to be trained to handle the new challenges - hybrid teams, change fatigue, burnouts, war for talent etc. In the same time, engagement in online workshops is challenging to achieve, because people are multitasking and because they've attended so many boring calls.

How can you overcome this gap and equip your leaders in an engaging way? We can help. The hundreds of online sessions we have delivered in the last 5 years, for organisations and people from no less than 35 countries around the world, are a proof that our mix of valuable content, experienced facilitators and engaging methods works great.

Tack TMI builds global skills programme, providing personalised effectiveness learning delivered live in a virtual environment and an easy-to-use learning app for better learning experience.

  • In-house learning platform provides 1400 employees with bite-sized personalised effectiveness learning across 8 core areas.
  • Easy to use learning app gives employees a fast and simple end-to-end learner journey, delivering over 70 training sessions.
  • 90% positive ratings recorded by employees on personal effectiveness learning app.

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