Dark Cockpit - The Alden Report
Cpt.Emil G Dobrovolschi and Octavian Pantis recently joined The Alden Report podcast for a discussion about communication - feedback, impersonal communication, barriers and overcoming them - and also on the key role of checklists.
Read More...Dark Cockpit - Paradigm Shift with Christina Martini
Listen to this terrific interview about the new book “Dark Cockpit”. Its authors Octavian Pantis and Captain Emil G Dobrovolschi talk about What Aviation Can Teach Us About Business and Leadership- you don’t want to miss it!
Read More...How to communicate, lead and be in control - Superstar Communicator
The focus in this podcast is on communication, on how we can become much more effective by just doing a few things right.
Read More...Dark Cockpit - The Encourage Project
Dark Cockpit is the latest collaboration between Capt. Emil Dobrovolschii and Octavian Pantis. The book takes stories and lessons from aviation and brilliantly applies them to everyday situations from leadership to self-regulation.
Read More...Pilot Training Lessons That Will Transform Your Employees with Emil and Octavian
Cpt.Emil G Dobrovolschi and Octavian Pantis recently joined the Training Unleashed podcast with Evan Hackel.