

Inteligenta generala este imbinarea dintre capacitatea de a utiliza informatia (memorare, analiza, evaluare etc), masurata prin IQ si capacitatea de adaptare la mediu, masurata prin EQ (emotional quotient). Inteligenta este o forma de energie. Conversia acesteia in activitati subordonate unor obiective contribuie la atingerea acestora.


The 4 types of Project Managers

Few issues garner more attention among top executives than how best to grow their organizations. However, few executives work systematically with the types of employees they need to realize various growth opportunities. Your organization’s growth opportunities fall into four different categories, and in order to develop your business in a commercially sustainable manner, you need four specific types of project manager to pursue them. These types emerged from our ongoing work of understanding how different business development projects can drive strategic renewal in organizations, and the matrix below has helped in capturing potential misalignments between employees and projects.


Esti lider? Fii curajos

As sublinia trei dintre cerintele unui lider adevarat. Nu pentru ca cititorii nostri nu le-ar indeplini ci pentru a le confirma ca fac bine aplicandu-le si pentru a-i incuraja sa le spuna si altora ca a fi lider inseamna sa iesi frecvent din zona de confort.


Cu bocancii plini de noroi

Cererea si oferta. cele doua talere ale balantei economiei si comertului.

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