
The Boss Podcast - Dark Cockpit - Part 2

Greg finishes his chat with Octavian Pantiș, the co-founder of the training company Qualians and the author of the new book, Dark Cockpit. In part two, Octavian discusses the similarities between entrepreneurship and aviation, how entrepreneurs can prevent accidents, and why sometimes having too much talent can be a problem.


The Boss Podcast - Dark Cockpit - Part 1

The pandemic forced teams around the globe to shift to a virtual new normal, but did everyone do it right?  Greg welcomes Octavian Pantiș, the co-founder of the training company Qualians and the author of the new book, Dark Cockpit. Octavian talks about why remote work is here to stay (whether we like it or not), the importance of rewarding your team’s output, and the major differences between organizations and cultures from country to country.


3 Lesser-known and Inspiring Things that Captains Do. Are Business Leaders on Par?

Aviation Captains are so experienced and skilled that they can smoothly land a huge plane on the runway, even with strong crosswinds or through a strong storm. This is widely known, as we’ve all been passengers who have experienced great landings and felt the relief that everything went as planned.


Dark Cockpit Podcast

Podcastul Dark Cockpit reprezinta o serie de cateva episoade in care Emil Dobrovolschi si Octavian Pantis prezinta intamplari si principii din aviatie de pe urma carora se pot extrage lectii valoroase pentru fiecare dintre noi. Toate episoadele pot fi gasite pe canalul de YouTube Dark Cockpit.


Qualians Tip of the Week


Noua colectie Qualians Tip of the Week vine in ajutorul tau cu sfaturi valide si aplicabile pentru multiple situatii din viata ta profesionala. Investeste cateva minute pentru a afla o idee noua sau pentru a-ti confirma ca faci bine lucrurile importante. Toate episoadele pot fi gasite pe canalul de YouTube Qualians.

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