
7 Actions to boost your sales results

The summer holiday season is over and now is the time to make the most of the renewed energy. Here are 7 actions you can implement now to positively affect your sales results:


You've been ghosted by a prospective customer, now what?

Ghosting: the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.


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Termini faculatea si te bagi intr-o companie.

In 6 luni inveti procedurile companiei, cum se trag sforile, cine aproba ce aproba, unde sta puterea, cine o mai vrea, ce ar face unii ca sa puna mana pe ea.  Stii cine place pe cine. Stii cine e neplacut de majoritate. Stii tot.



How retailers are losing billions from poor customer service

Author and customer experience consultant, Shep Hyken reported in Forbes that retailers in the US were losing $63 billion each year due to poor customer service.

Here is the message: a few seconds of poor service, or lack of product knowledge, leads customers to abandon enquiries or switch suppliers. Shep went on to explain that customers wanted easy, fast, friendly service, delivered by knowledgeable people.


Sales that don't sell

The biggest problem with Sales today is that they get employed in your company and after the probationary period is over they want to work for your competition.

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