Finance for non-finance. De ce este util sa-ntelegi povestea din spatele cifrelor?
Oamenii din finance inteleg cifrele. Se uita la o serie de tabele si pot transmite o analiza sau raport detaliat. Dar, intelegerea cifrelor nu este utila doar pentru oamenii din finance. Oricarui profesionist ii poate fi utila o intelegerea mai mare a cifrelor, mai exact a povestii din spatele cifrelor. Atunci cand ai abilitatile necesare intelegerii indicatorilor financiari, poti face corelatii mai active pentru jobul tau. Daca esti in cautarea unei dezvoltari in cariera care sa te ajute din orice pozitie, atunci acest articol iti prezinta 3 motive pentru care intelegerea cifrelor ti-ar fi utila in jobul actual, dar si in viata personala.
Read More...The 4 types of Project Managers
Few issues garner more attention among top executives than how best to grow their organizations. However, few executives work systematically with the types of employees they need to realize various growth opportunities. Your organization’s growth opportunities fall into four different categories, and in order to develop your business in a commercially sustainable manner, you need four specific types of project manager to pursue them. These types emerged from our ongoing work of understanding how different business development projects can drive strategic renewal in organizations, and the matrix below has helped in capturing potential misalignments between employees and projects.
Read More...When communication fails. 5 outcomes and 5 ideas to solve this
Communication is the essence of better relationship and professional results. Sometimes communication fails. I’ve noticed some reasons why communication is not used at the maximum intensity.
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Ne place cafeaua si in fiecare zi, o mare parte dintre noi, cautam sa ne regasim energia printr-o cana/pahar de cafea. Un rol important in dezvoltarea acestei culturi a cafelei, este dat de Starbucks.