Many people struggle with change. They start strong on something but then the change does not last and they return to their old habits. Every new change cycle adds to the disappointment, creating a downward spiral and making every new initiative look more and more difficult to achieve. It’s easy to give up and it’s frustrating. However, this spiral can also go up if the right steps are followed.
For a taste of what the book has to offer, you can have a read through chapter 6 - "How do you sell your idea for change upwards?"
Making Change Stick gives you the tools to win. It shows you how to:
- Finally change those unhealthy habits that drag you down, at work and outside it
- Achieve lasting results with the changes you initiate
- React better to the changes around you and benefit more from them
- Sell decision-makers on your change idea
- Mobilize your people in a new direction
- Grow professionally and thrive
Read Making Change Stick to find out how you can conquer change and achieve your desired results!
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