Alexandru Ionescu

Alexandru Ionescu’s experience is in the area of customer satisfaction and training of the sales force and other professionals.

His experience in management of a team, customer support and training needs assessment gives him the possibility to come up with practical solutions. Also, he has been responsible for implementing and overseeing programs that increase efficiency for organizations, strengthening employee knowledge and improving leadership.

1:1 field sales coaching sessions are also part of his activities. By developing his coaching skills with NLP methodology, his goal is to support people to extend to their maximum performance with their own tools and resources.

Alexandru has a degree in Political Communication and he has been, through NGOs, active in the social and political involvement of the citizens in Romania and abroad in Eastern Europe.

He is seen as enthusiastic and full of energy by keeping participants engaged and interested.

Since 2015 Alex has been a training consultant with Qualians, delivering various training suites. During this time he has been accredited as a coach and delivering 1:1 coaching sessions.

Alex’s early career started with Michelin covering countries from Western and Eastern Europe for delivering of trainings to new sales employees. Among his activities he was in charge with sales process and managing of the Technical Training Centre.


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Vizibil pregatit in subiectele abordate, am apreciat cursivitatea si coerenta in discurs precum si diferitele tips and tricks prezentate pentru a ne imbogati inteligenta emotionala in diverse arii

Excelent din toate punctele de vedere : mod de argumentare a unor situatii , conectarea cu cei prezenti la curs, energie foarte buna prin a transmite incredere, foarte documentat
Un om foarte bine pregatit, cu simtul umorului, inteligent. Pe scurt, un om extraordinar.
Etex Group
Un om extraordinar, foarte pregatit, foarte deschis, un exemplu pentru mine la nivel personal si profesional