Solutions for
Team Building

Build strong teams through creative exercises, outdoor and indoor, and a professional approach tailored to your needs and objectives.

Solutions for Team Building
Ecoxtrem Team Building

Ecoxtrem Team Building

When creating a controlled environment that emulates, at a small scale, the climate, challenges and processes found in an organization, a teambuilding activity allows for observing formal and informal leaders in action. Faced with new and stimulating situations, these leaders identify the need for change and take initiative in implementing it or inspiring others to do so because team activities are inherently based on common efforts and goal assumption.

For nine years, Ecoxtrem Teambuilding has been developing activities for all types of groups and has created over 50 distinct concepts to assist your team in improving soft skills for effectively implementing change.

Ecoxtrem Events

Ecoxtrem Events

Creating commitment and a sense of belonging to a group is the basis for your team’s motivation and long term productivity. In order to achieve this, Ecoxtrem Events provides alternate types of activities that have the potential of becoming a tradition: Company Day, a CSR event, a party, a picnic or family-at-the-office day. By involving employees in such activities, you develop an organizational culture they can easily understand and internalize.

In the years of creating and delivering concepts aligned with the company’s human resources strategy, Ecoxtrem has been a reliable partner in fulfilling the growing need companies have for creating collective work-related memories.

Ecoxtrem Trekking

Ecoxtrem Trekking

Ensuring hands on experiences in Romania’s picturesque areas and combining them with unique traditional activities, group sessions and facilitation creates a memorable setting for managers to introspect, processes the knowledge acquired and find the necessary inner resources for inspiring change in others.

The Apuseni Mountains, an off-road tour of the fortified churches, hiking in the breath-taking Maramures or adventurous experiences in the Fagaras Mountains are just a few examples of custom made trekking programs designed for middle to top management groups looking for a new perspective or networking.


Lego Serious Play

Everyone has something unique and valuable to bring to discussions, decisions and outcomes. The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology releases and enables individuals, team insights and imagination. People gain understanding and clarity regarding the identity and dynamics of their organization.

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® materials and methodology are particularly effective when:

  • the subject is complex and multifaceted and there is a need to grasp the bigger picture, find connections and explore options and potential solutions
  • it is important to reach decisions which everyone commits to and honors after the meeting even though he or she does not agree 100%
  • asking each team member or participant the same question results in substantially different answers


Team building via Silega's Business Simulations

Aligned and productive teams don’t happen by chance. They require the right mix of skills from leaders and team members alike. Silega uses an experiential team-building model to simulate the various stages that teams go through to achieve successful outcomes.

Our objectives is to maximize the effectiveness of both the team and the individual within the workplace through creating memorable team-building indoor events.